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Back To School

Back To School

Getting your vehicle ready for back to school. Well it’s that time again, when school starts back up along with traffic and there is no time to worry about if your car is going to start. This is the time of the year that people tend to put off car repairs. Over the past 35 years we have seen a pattern where the number of appointments goes down and the number of cars being towed in goes up.  Putting off needed repairs usually end up costing more in the long run.
At All-Car Specialist we preform a vehicle inspection every time your car comes in for service. If we notice something we put it on your vehicle’s profile. At this time we can asses what the car needs immediately and what can be put off. We can also put you on our electronic notification system that will remind you when services are needed.
All vehicles cost money to operate, if the maintenance schedules are followed the car will not only last longer, be safer, more dependable and  it will end up costing you less in the long run.
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