Tips on Preventative Maintenance for Diesel Vehicles
All Car Specialist has been servicing Diesel vehicles for the past 20 years. All-Car president, Paul Brow, recently created a class for Diesel repair at East Los angeles college, where he is also a Professor part time since 2005.
It is no secret that a Diesel engine can last a very long time, but they are also more expensive to repair. There are several preventive maintenance tips that you can use to make your diesel go the distance.
- Diesel engines are made to haul heavy loads for long distances. Try to avoid using it on short around town trips and watch out for excessive idling.
- Good fuel: it is important to get your diesel fuel from a high volume fuel station. Diesel fuel absorbs water that could lead to algae formation. Fuel that sits in a Diesel tank should have additives installed to prevent algae growth.
- Fuel additives: the ultra low surfer fuels that are available in California have have a lot of the lubrication taken out of them . Check with the manufacture for some recommended additives for preventive maintenance.
- Fuel filter replacement intervals are critical this help the preservation the injectors.
- Oil Changes are important but using the right oil is even more crucial. There are several additives in diesel engine oil that are not in regular oils. Some Diesel engines use the engine oil to activate the injectors, this is why good oil is essential.
- Cooling system maintenance: As coolant ages, it starts to break down and will start corroding components like water pumps, Egr and oil coolers. The coolant has to flow through many different materials which could cause electrolysis which erodes metal components.
- Diesel Exhaust fluid-Blue DEF: when purchasing exhaust fluid try not to buy old stock, This fluid does have an expiration date. It can be very corrosive so try not to spill it, store it in a sealed container between 40-80 degrees Fahrenheit. Never put the Blue DEF in the fuel tank, If it does get in by accident have the fuel tank pumped and thoroughly cleaned out.
By properly maintaining your Diesel engine you will be able to ensure the longevity of your vehicle.