AAA – Ford Skills Contest (Southern California)
1995- 2015 State Final Student Auto Skills Contest
Southern California High School Student Automotive Skills Contest sponsored by AAA, Ford and Hertz
Paul Brow helped judge the contest where the students were given a 90-minute time frame to diagnose and repair the car. The winner was determined by the time it takes to repair the auto with least number of faults and the highest number of accurate corrections all in an attempt to restore the cars back to their factory like condition. Those finalists who diagnosed and corrected the most number of faults scored the highest.
Paul Brow, owner All Car Specialists shown above in the white shirt and blue AAA hat seen judging a pair of entrants. Paul was responsible for ensuring that all vehicles were as-is from the factory before he installed the fault’s for the students to diagnose and correct. The contest was from 1995-2015 and Paul Brow donated lots of time to the program.
All brand-new cars were identical as were all installed fault’s. Paul had the task of inspecting each vehicle prior to and during the judging to ensure that each car was is perfect running condition to start and also to ensure that identical faults were duplicated in each vehicle to establish a level of fairness for all participants prior to the start of the contest.
Multiple Scholarships with up to $100,000 were given out to participants. Tool scholarship and educational scholarships. The winner goes on to National Championships in Detroit. AAA, Ford and Hertz sponsored the California Student Skills Contest and helped organize and pay for event. Hertz provides brand new cars and Ford manufactured all of the faulty parts for the contest to ensure an equal and fair level of diagnosis and skill.